About us

This group gathers researchers interested in the study of quantum structures, such as quantum logics, non-standard set theories, and contextual probability models. Do not hesitate in contacting us if you are interested in our activities.

Federico Hernán Holik | Director

Federico Holik is a Research Fellow of the National Scientific and Research Council in Argentina. His research focusses on the foundations of quantum mechanics, quantum information theory, the interpretation of quantum probabilities, and the study of the logical, algebraic and geometrical aspects of the quantum formalism. He is the director of the PICT project Logical and algebraic structures related to quantum information processing.

Juan Pablo Jorge | PhD. Student

Msc. Juan Pablo Jorge is carrying out his PhD. at the University of Buenos Aires. His research is focused on the foundations of quantum mechanics and the application of non-deterministic semantics to the characterization of quantum states.

Advisor: Federico Holik

Coadvisor: Lucas Rosenblatt

Emanuel Shai Comedi | Becario CONICET

Msc. Emanuel Shai Comedi will start his Phd in physics with a CONICET PhD. fellowship. His work will be focused in the quantum to classical transition and the problem of time arrow in quantum physics.

Advisor: Federico Holik

Marcos Lammers | PhD. Student

Msc. Marcos Lammers will start his Phd at the Faculty of Informatics of UNLP. He will work in studyng the role of quantum resources in quantum software ingineering in collaboration with F. Holik.

Advisor: Alejandro Fernandez Casco

Andrés Camilo Granda Arango | PhD. Student

Msc. Andrés Camilo Granda Arango is a Phd student at the University of Cagliari. His work is focused in the study of resources distribution in quantum random circuits and the use of genuin multipartite non-locality to benchmark quantum computers.

Advisor: Giuseppe Sergioli

Coadvisor1: Federico Hernán Holik

Coadvisor2: Gustavo Martin Bosyk

Victor Penas | Research Assistant

Dr. Victor Penas works as Research Assitant at CONICET. His work is focused in quantum information applications, such as the MaxEnt technique for quantum state estimation and optimization algorithms.

Advisor: Pedro Walter Lamberti

Coadvisor: Federico Hernán Holik

Gianinna Zerr | Msc.

Msc. Gianinna Zerr did her Master Thesis at the University of Buenos Aires on the application of a variant of the MaxEnt technique to the problem of the estimation of quantum states. This method was used to analyze the performance of quantum computers.

Advisor: Federico Hernán Holik

Coadvisor: Marcelo Adrián Losada

Kevin Dávila Castellar | Intern

As part of his PhD study program at the University of Los Andes (Colombia), Kevin is doing an Internship at the Quantum Logic + Probability group under the direction of Dr. Federico Holik. His activities will be focused on the study of potential applications of his doctoral work topics to the theory of quasisets and the analysis of quantum algorithms.

Advisor (Intership): Dr. Federico Hernán Holik

Advisor (PhD): Dr. Maricarmen Martinez Baldares